About the residents association Binnenstad Noord


Not a member of BBN yet? You can find more info in the posting below. Becoming a member costs only 10 euro a year. You can use this form (in Dutch) or send an e-mail


The residents association “Belangenvereniging Binnenstad Noord” (BBN) is an interest group of people living and or working in the northern part of the city centre of Delft. Our association has more than 300 members. Our main concern is to maintain and improve the quality of the urban environment for people living in our area.


Improving local policies
On a regular basis, the association discusses aspects of municipal policies and the consequences for Binnenstad Noord with the municipality. Topics that are discussed are for example parking, preventing negative effects of bars, cafés, restaurants and events for inhabitants, water management in the inner city of Delft, changes of the land use plan to facilitate new development, waste collection, the incrrease of student houses in the inner city, greening the city, and bicycle parking.

We try to influence new and improve existing municipal policies, by attending meetings, visiting network events, putting issues on the agenda, discussing with civil servants, informing political parties. Besides these, we use our formal possibilities for public participation and if necessary our right to appeal to municipal decisions.

our approach
To find out about the issues that ask for attention and to prepare our opinions, BBN has several working groups, which take care of parts of our area of activity. The members of a working group keep in touch via e-mail, and if necessary meet to discuss specific matters. Every two months, BBN has a meeting for which all the members are invited. At these meetings the attendees are informed about the results and issues of the working groups, the pros and cons of possible opinions and measures are discussed. The working groups also use these meetings as input for future actions taken. At least once every year the formal meeting of the general assembly of the association takes place. In this meeting, the plan of activities for the next year as well as the annual account of the association are discussed.

The association also aims to improve the contacts between the inhabitants of the area. By organising excursions, the New Years cellebration and having a drink in ‘Hotel de Plataan’. Besides these, the association supports local activities, for example the lantern parade and the children’s games on Royal Day. We value these informal contacts between inhabitants of our area, because the quality of the urban environment is influenced in the first place by the way people behave to each other.

join us!
If you want to become a member of BBN, please send an e-mail to info@binnenstadnoord.nl or fill in the form (Dutch). The basic fee for membership is 10 euros a year. You can also use this address if you have questions about issues in which BBN is involved. If you have an idea for improving the quality of the living environment in the northern part of the city of Delft, or if you want to get to know the people of this beautiful area, you are more than welcome to join us.


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